" /> manihot - CISMeF

Preferred Label : manihot;

MeSH definition : A plant genus of the family EUPHORBIACEAE that is perennial with conspicuous, almost palmate leaves like those of RICINUS but more deeply parted into five to nine lobes. It is a source of a starch after removal of the cyanogenic glucosides. The common name of Arrowroot is also used with Maranta (MARANTACEAE). The common name of yuca is also used for YUCCA.;

MeSH synonym : kasaba; cassava; manihots; kasabas; cassavas;

CISMeF synonym : esculentas, manihot;

MeSH hyponym : manihot esculenta; Manihot esculentas; esculenta, Manihot;

Related MeSH term : tapioca; Tapiocas; Arrowroot, Brazilian; Brazilian Arrowroot; Arrowroots, Brazilian; Brazilian Arrowroots; Manioc; Maniocs;

MeSH Related Number : txid3983;

MeSH annotation : ARROWROOT see MARANTACEAE is also available;

Wikipedia link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassava;

UNII : txid3982;


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A plant genus of the family EUPHORBIACEAE that is perennial with conspicuous, almost palmate leaves like those of RICINUS but more deeply parted into five to nine lobes. It is a source of a starch after removal of the cyanogenic glucosides. The common name of Arrowroot is also used with Maranta (MARANTACEAE). The common name of yuca is also used for YUCCA.

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