Preferred Label : carotid body;
MeSH definition : A small cluster of chemoreceptive and supporting cells located near the bifurcation
of the internal carotid artery. The carotid body, which is richly supplied with fenestrated
capillaries, senses the pH, carbon dioxide, and oxygen concentrations in the blood
and plays a crucial role in their homeostatic control.;
MeSH synonym : bodies, carotid; body, carotid; caroticum, glomus; carotid bodies; glomus caroticum;
MeSH annotation : a nonchromaffin paraganglion;
Wikipedia link : body;
Origin ID : D002344;
UMLS CUI : C0007277;
- Allowable qualifiers
- Automatic exact mappings (from CISMeF team)
- Currated CISMeF NLP mapping
- False automatic mappings
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- See also
- Semantic type(s)
- UMLS correspondences (same concept)
A small cluster of chemoreceptive and supporting cells located near the bifurcation
of the internal carotid artery. The carotid body, which is richly supplied with fenestrated
capillaries, senses the pH, carbon dioxide, and oxygen concentrations in the blood
and plays a crucial role in their homeostatic control.