" /> Laurence-moon syndrome - CISMeF

Preferred Label : Laurence-moon syndrome;

Symbol : LNMS;

CISMeF acronym : LNMS;

Type : Phenotype, molecular basis known;

Description : The features in the 4 sibs reported by Laurence and Moon (1866) and later by Hutchinson (1882, 1900) were mental retardation, pigmentary retinopathy, hypogenitalism, and spastic paraplegia. Solis-Cohen and Weiss (1925) considered the disorder identical to that described by Bardet and Biedl (see BBS, 209900); they used the designation Laurence-Biedl syndrome. The existence of a separate entity was suggested by Bowen et al. (1965) and others. Farag and Teebi (1988) concluded that both the Bardet-Biedl and the Laurence-Moon syndromes are increased in the Arab population of Kuwait. In a 22-year prospective cohort study of 46 patients from 26 Newfoundland families with BBS, Moore et al. (2005) found no apparent correlation of clinical or dysmorphic features with genotype. They reported that of 2 patients clinically diagnosed as having Laurence-Moon syndrome, one was from a consanguineous pedigree with linkage to the BBS5 gene, and the other was a compound heterozygote for mutations in the MKKS gene (604896.0007 and 604896.0008). Moore et al. (2005) concluded that the features in this population did not support the notion that BBS and Laurence-Moon syndrome are distinct. The patient with mutations in the MKKS gene (NF-B5) had previously been reported by Katsanis et al. (2000) as having BBS6, thus illustrating the difficulty in distinguishing these 2 disorders. *FIELD* RF 1. Bowen, P.; Ferguson-Smith, M. A.; Mosier, D.; Lee, C. S. N.; Butler, H. G.: The Laurence-Moon syndrome. Association with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and sex-chromosome aneuploidy. Arch. Intern. Med. 116: 598-604, 1965. 2. Farag, T. I.; Teebi, A. S.: Bardet-Biedl and Laurence-Moon syndromes in a mixed Arab population. Clin. Genet. 33: 78-82, 1988. 3. Hutchinson, J.: On retinitis pigmentosa and allied affections, as illustrating the laws of heredity. Ophthal. Rev. 1: 2-7 and 26-30, 1882. 4. Hutchinson, J.: Slowly progressive paraplegia and disease of the choroids with defective intellect and arrested sexual development. Arch. Surg. 11: 118-122, 1900. 5. Katsanis, N.; Beales, P. L.; Woods, M. O.; Lewis, R. A.; Green, J. S.; Parfrey, P. S.; Ansley, S. J.; Davidson, W. S.; Lupski, J. R.: Mutations in MKKS cause obesity, retinal dystrophy and renal malformations associated with Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Nature Genet. 26: 67-70, 2000. 6. Laurence, J. Z.; Moon, R. C.: Four cases of retinitis pigmentosa occurring in the same family and accompanied by general imperfection of development. Ophthal. Rev. 2: 32-41, 1866. 7. Moore, S. J.; Green, J. S.; Fan, Y.; Bhogal, A. K.; Dicks, E.; Fernandez, B. A.; Stefanelli, M.; Murphy, C.; Cramer, B. C.; Dean, J. C. S.; Beales, P. L.; Katsanis, N.; Bassett, A. S.; Davidson, W. S; Parfrey, P. S.: Clinical and genetic epidemiology of Bardet-Biedl syndrome in Newfoundland: a 22-year prospective, population-based, cohort study. Am. J. Med. Genet. 132A: 352-360, 2005. 8. Solis-Cohen, S.; Weiss, E.: Dystrophia adiposogenitalis with atypical retinitis pigmentosa and mental deficiency: the Laurence-Biedl syndrome. Am. J. Med. Sci. 169: 489-505, 1925. *FIELD* CS Autosomal recessive;

Inheritance : Autosomal recessive;

Molecular basis : Caused by mutation in the patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 6 gene (PNPLA6, 603197.0013);

Prefixed ID : #245800;


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