" /> Azoospermia - CISMeF

ICD-11 code : GB04.0;

Preferred Label : Azoospermia;

ICD-11 definition : Any condition of the genital system affecting males, caused by obstruction of the reproductive tract, abnormal hormone levels, testicular failure, or inadequate production of spermatozoa. These conditions are characterized by the absence of a measurable level of sperm cells in semen, and very low levels of fertility. Confirmation is by the absence of spermatozoa in the sediment of a centrifuged sample of ejaculate.;

ICD-11 synonym : aspermatogenesis; azoospermatism; hypospermatogenesis; absent sperm; infertility due to azoospermia;


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Any condition of the genital system affecting males, caused by obstruction of the reproductive tract, abnormal hormone levels, testicular failure, or inadequate production of spermatozoa. These conditions are characterized by the absence of a measurable level of sperm cells in semen, and very low levels of fertility. Confirmation is by the absence of spermatozoa in the sediment of a centrifuged sample of ejaculate.

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