" /> Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency - CISMeF

ICD-11 code : 5C5A;

Preferred Label : Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency;

ICD-11 definition : Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a genetic disorder that manifests as pulmonary emphysema, liver cirrhosis and, rarely, as the skin disease panniculitis, and is characterized by low serum levels of AAT, the main protease inhibitor (PI) in human serum.;

ICD-11 synonym : AATD - [Alpha-1-antitrypsin] deficiency; AATD deficiency;


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Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a genetic disorder that manifests as pulmonary emphysema, liver cirrhosis and, rarely, as the skin disease panniculitis, and is characterized by low serum levels of AAT, the main protease inhibitor (PI) in human serum.

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