Surveillance des personnels de santé vis à vis du risque de la Tuberculose – Place des tests IGRA et des autres examens complémentaires
08 janvier 2018
Propositions de recommandations pour les médecins du travail Actualisation 2017 GERES – Octobre 2017
Billets récents
Shift work and the risk of cardiovascular disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis including dose–response relationship
08 janvier 2018
Objectives The aim of this review was to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events associated with shift work and determine if there is a dose–response relationship in this association.
Method Electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) were searched for cohort or case–control control study designs in any population, reporting exposure to shift work as the main contributing factor to estimate CVD risk. For each study, adjusted relative risk (RR) ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were extracted, and used to calculate the pooled RR using random-effect models. Meta-regression analysis was conducted to explore potential heterogeneity sources. Potential non-linear dose–response relationships were examined using fractional polynomial models.
26ème Journée Annuelle du GERES
08 janvier 2018
Actualités : Vaccinations Présidents de séance : E. Bouvet, CTV-HAS, D. Levy-Bruhl, Santé Publique France État des lieux des principales maladies à prévention vaccinale en France (D. Levy-Bruhl ) Évolution de la politique vaccinale Obligations vaccinales en populationgénérale (E. Bouvet, CTV-HAS) Obligations vaccinales pour les personnels de santé (JF. Gehanno, SFMT) Vaccination en maternité : […]
Propositions pour la mise en œuvre d’une surveillance biologique de l’exposition professionnelle aux médicaments anticancéreux
04 décembre 2017
Auteur Nadège Lepage Auteur Mireille Canal-Raffin Auteur Antoine Villa Publication Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique ISSN 2352-0078 Date 2017
Arrêts maladie dans le secteur hospitalier : les conditions de travail expliquent les écarts entre professions
04 décembre 2017
En France, les établissements de santé sont l’un des secteurs d’activité où les salariés ont le plus recours aux arrêts maladie, avec 10 jours d’absence déclarés pour maladie par an en moyenne, contre 7,9 dans l’ensemble des secteurs. Dans les établissements privés à but lucratif ou non lucratif, le nombre de jours d’absence pour maladie […]
The pregnant urologist
06 novembre 2017
Female urologists represent an ever-increasing percentage of the work force; more and more of our colleagues will be working through pregnancy. There is a lack of clear and concise advice for pregnant urologists about occupational risks during pregnancy. Urology exposes expectant mothers to potential risks from radiation, teratogenic and cytotoxic drugs, iodine hand scrub, infections, and long working hours. We aim to provide a review of the current evidence and guidance to aid expectant mothers in their decision making. Relevant research articles and up-to-date guidance were reviewed. The millisevert (the average accumulated background radiation dose to an individual for 1 year, exclusive of radon) was used as the main unit of radiation dose. There is no published evidence to date in pregnant clinicians that shows a received radiation dose of more than the recommended dose for a pregnant lady, and no data showing an increased risk of foetal abnormalities in clinicians who continue to screen during pregnancy; however, the data are from small studies. There is strong advice suggesting avoidance of contact with crushed or broken 5α-reductase inhibitor tablets (finasteride and dutasteride), mitomycin and other cytotoxic drugs during pregnancy. Pregnant surgeons should avoid frequent use of iodine hand wash. Good hygiene precautions will protect from many infections along with up-to-date immunisations and use of personal protective equipment for certain cases.
QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube for contact screening in BCG-vaccinated adults: A longitudinal cohort study
06 novembre 2017
OBJECTIVE: To assess the utility of QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-tube (QFT-GIT) for targeting preventive therapy in BCG-vaccinated contacts of tuberculosis (TB), based on its high specificity and negative predictive value for development of TB. METHODS: We compared two screening strategies for TB contact tracing in two consecutive periods: the tuberculin skin test (TST) period, when all contacts were screened with the TST alone; and the QFT-GIT period, when BCG-vaccinated contacts underwent TST and QFT-GIT. Diagnosis of TB infection among BCG-vaccinated contacts relied on TST ≥5 mm in the TST period, while in the QFT-GIT period either a positive QFT-GIT or a TST ≥15 mm was required.
Precautionary practices for administering anesthetic gases: A survey of physician anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologist assistants
06 novembre 2017
Scavenging systems and administrative and work practice controls for minimizing occupational exposure to waste anesthetic gases have been recommended for many years. Anesthetic gases and vapors that are released or leak out during medical procedures are considered waste anesthetic gases. To better understand the extent recommended practices are used, the NIOSH Health and Safety Practices Survey of Healthcare Workers was conducted in 2011 among members of professional practice organizations representing anesthesia care providers including physician anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, and anesthesiologist assistants. This national survey is the first to examine self-reported use of controls to minimize exposure to waste anesthetic gases among anesthesia care providers.
Occupational use of high-level disinfectants and fecundity among nurses
06 novembre 2017
Objective This study aimed to examine the relationship between occupational use of high-level disinfectants (HLD) and fecundity among female nurses. Methods Women currently employed outside the home and trying to get pregnant (N=1739) in the Nurses’ Health Study 3 cohort (2010-2014) were included in this analysis. Occupational exposure to HLD used to disinfect medical instruments and use of protective equipment (PE) was self-reported on the baseline questionnaire. Every six months thereafter women reported the duration of their ongoing pregnancy attempt. Multivariable accelerated failure time models were used to estimate time ratios (TR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).
Anciens Billets
- Job strain and informal caregiving as predictors of long-term sickness absence: A longitudinal multi-cohort study
- Interventions to increase seasonal influenza vaccine coverage in healthcare workers: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis
- Immunogenicity and safety among laboratory workers vaccinated with Bexsero® vaccine
- Immune responses to hepatitis B immunization 10-18 years after primary vaccination: a population-based cohort study
- Evidence of exposure to cytostatic drugs in healthcare staff: a review of recent literature
- Estimation of sickness absenteeism among Italian healthcare workers during seasonal influenza epidemics
- Effectiveness of hepatitis A vaccination as post-exposure prophylaxis
- Voir tous les derniers articles...